Floral Arrangement with Roses and Carnations


A beautiful floral arrangement with white and pink roses, blue carnations and daisies in a textured vase with white ribbon. Ideal for gifts, celebrations and special occasions. Home delivery in West Palm Beach and surrounding areas, order yours now!

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This exquisite floral arrangement combines the delicacy of white and pink roses, the intensity of blue carnations and the freshness of purple daisies and green foliage, achieving a harmonious and elegant design. Each flower has been carefully selected to create a sophisticated and lively detail. The set is enhanced with a textured vase in warm tones and a white ribbon, adding a refined and decorative touch.

Perfect as a gift for birthdays, anniversaries, births or simply to surprise someone special, this floral arrangement is an expression of love and gratitude. Its color combination conveys peace, joy and elegance, making it the ideal choice for any occasion. Order today and let the flowers do the talking – home delivery available! 🌿💙


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Floral Arrangement with Roses and CarnationsFloral Arrangement with Roses and Carnations
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